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Hydration is Salvation!!
Hydration plays a large role in your ability to exercise,before, during and after. Being dehydrated and starting a workout is really notsomething your body will thank you for. When you’re dehydrated, your bloodthickens, reduces heart efficiency, increases body temperature and heart rate;essentially tiring you out much faster than you should. When you’re working outnext time, pay attention to those who are sweating profusely and short ofbreath…they might be working extremely hard, or they might be doing hardlyanything. If you think you drink “enough” already, thin...
Does living healthy feel like an obligation to you? - It shouldn't
Working out and living healthy needs to become your way of life, not an extra chore; otherwise it wont work. Lookingat working out or going to the gym as something to add to your list of obligations won’t get you motivated. Don’t count your losses; loss of time,loss of money, etc. Think of what you will  gain.  Gain more energy. It is proven over and over again that workingout reduces fatigue. As you work out and raise your heart rate, you burn fatand calories while building more capillaries to help deliver oxygen throughoutyour body. More oxygen equals more ...
Health Tips, Healthy Eating And Diet Plan
Everyone wants to be healthy. Being healthy means more than not being sick – it means having the energy to enjoy life. It means being physically and mentally able to deal with most of the curve balls life throws. Being healthy lets us live life to the fullest. Who'd want to miss out on that? Unfortunately, health is not guaranteed, it is something we have to work for. Even the most careful person can get sick, end up in a car accident or otherwise lose their health. Even when disaster doesn't happen, the ongoing stresses of life can wear our health down. It takes...